Tuesday, August 16, 2011

one goal down...more to go

Weight loss to date: 68lbs

Many of you facebook friends already saw this, but I actually RAN a whole 5K this past week.  Matt and I went to Memorial Park, to the 1K loop.  Initially I only planned to run 3 laps around. Somewhere during the 3rd lap I got a second wind and decided that was the day to try and run (with no walking breaks) the 5K distance.  I am not gonna lie and say it was easy, because my legs felt like they were on fire!! I thought I was gonna have to crawl to the car after. LOL! But, I am feeling pretty amazing knowing I conquered one of my major goals.  I initially wanted to conquer this by mid September, so I am ahead of the game.  My new goal is to keep running the 5K distance and just work on improving my time. I finished in 40 minutes the first time, so I would like to be able to do it in 37 minutes or less by the Diabetes 5K on September 10th. 

In other news(ha ha), I found that going back to work was more exhausting than I thought it would be. It does feel great to be up moving around so much though.  I try to stick to a routine of going to the gym/Zumba/water aerobic at least 5 times a week and running the same.  I am finding that these workouts are great stress relievers for me.  I just focus on what I need to be doing and let eveything else go.  I am hoping to be down to my 70lbs lost goal by the end of this week!! Stay tuned....

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