Sunday, November 20, 2011


Weight loss to date: 86 lbs

Well, I was really hoping to be in "one-derland" by now, but I am so incredibly close.  I only need to lose about 1.5-2 lbs to get there.  My biggest obstacle at this point is the holidays approaching. I started this journey in January after I consumed a massive amount of food from last year's holidays. I am a bit paranoid that I will totally lose all control and eat like I used to.  Plus I have a whole week off for Thanksgiving break, so I may have to get my body used to a different routine for a while.  Hmmm...what to do??

I decided that I need to have a plan and stick with it. So my plan is this: get up and go to the gym for a run on the treadmill M,T, and W morning. I have Zumba on T and W.  For Thanksgiving day, my running buddies,Matt and I signed up for a 5K run at 9 am.  I am just going to have to watch my portions and be very careful with my food choices. Sounds easy now, but we will see how bad I really want this!  I would love to be at 90 lbs lost total by the end of November so I can work my hiney off to hit 100 lbs lost by January 10. 

One thing I do wish I had more of is workout buddies. Seems like I am doing a lot of my workouts alone lately.  I do have awesome running buddies (Pattie, Patrick, and Matt) but I often end up going to Zumba by myself.  It's okay, it would just be fun to have a buddy to go with. I do have to say that our instructors are amazing and make it super fun though!

Here's to a wonderful Thanksgiving and hopefully hitting "one-derland" in a few days!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I've lost a 5th

Weight loss to date: 83 lbs and counting

Just had to share this.  Yesterday at work one of my co workers comes up and asks me "Hey Carla, would you ever want to carry a 5th grader around on your back all day?".  In my head I'm thinking, "oh heck no!!".  My response, " that would be crazy!".  So she then tells me to think about this: her son (a 5th grader) weighs 83 lbs.  It took me a minute to figure out what she was getting at. I am down 83 lbs, which is the same weight as her son. She says, "Think about it, how hard would it be to carry a 5th grader around on your back all day?  I bet you feel much better having lost a whole 5th grader!".

It just made my day to think that I actually lost the equivalent of a small person!  :) So anyone working to get fit or lose a little weight, keep at it! It really does feel AMAZING!!