I am officially 5 months into my weight loss journey. So far I have lost 50 lbs, but it seems I have plateaued. I can't seem to get over the 50lb hump. Summer has been a little rough for me, for the fact that I totally cannot stick to a good eating regiment. Exercising in no problem, but with such a laid back schedule, I am struggling to eat the right foods. With Matt's family being here for a few days I also found us eating out A LOT! yuck!! Wish me luck as I try to get myself back on some sort of schedule with my eating!!
I have found in the last week or so that I have a new love of running. When I started the gym, I was terrified to run on the treadmill. So I began with little jog intervals. I would jog 30 seconds and walk 2 mins, continuing this for 30 mins. I am so happy to report that last week I was jogging 4-5 minute intervals and walking for about 1 minute in between. So, being that I am really wanting to try new things, I tell Matt and his friend that I will do the Manitou incline with them. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. The incline has over 4,000 stairs and goes straight up the side of a mountain. I did okay and made it about half way before I freaked out at the height, and turned around to come down. I think I will attempt in at least one more time before summers end. I did discover that hiking just isn't for me. Monday morning I wanted to see if I could keep up my jogging, only out around the neighborhood. I don't know why, but I found that jogging the neighborhood was much harder than the treadmill. I am not determined that I am going to become a runner. I never thought I would like doing it, but I think it an outlet for me. It allows me to get out of reality and spend some time with God. I am going to sign up for a 2K run at the end of June! I will keep you all posted on how it goes!! Moral of today's blog: if I (the former couch potato) can become a runner, ANYTHING is possible!! 
Hey Carla,
ReplyDeleteI don't know if you want to dish out anymore money...but Weight Watchers (either online $30 a month or $120 for 12 weeks of class) is pretty awesome. It helps you track EVERYTHING from exercise, to calories (points), liquids, oils, milk, veggies, fruits. Its awesome. I love it! When I can stick to it, it works really well. Also accountability helps, so if you want, I can include you in an email between some WW buddies so we can check in and make sure we are all keeping on track.
Keep up the excellent work! I hope I can follow in your footsteps! Getting to the gym is no problem, its the eating I'm really struggling with! You are doing awesome! I'm excited for you doing the incline! You'll get there! I'll be rooting you on! Maybe someday I can do the incline with you!
way to go cousins keep up the good work love ya